October Update 1
This week is vital to the success of the new government in Iraq. On October 15th the nation votes on a referendum for the current draft constitution that will be the foundation for Iraq's future. Just this week the Shiite, Shuni, and Kurdish leaders have been able to work out a compromise that they hope will set the stage for a successful Iraq. For those who are involved with Iraq on a day to day basis, there was fear that if a compromise would not have been met this week then civil war may have been on the horizon.
During this critical time in Iraq most efforts are at a standstill while the results of the election are on everyone's mind. The Orphans and Street Kids Project has been taking advantage of this pause to take care of a few administrative efforts. We are currently working on a new name to announce on November 10 in New York City at the Torch for Tomorrow Awards when our efforts will officially become a program of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation. The Torch for Tomorrow Awards will honor those veteran activists who are working to help others in this world, and is a perfect platform for launching the project.
Launching the project has had no affect on our work as I am currently in talks with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA) and its Child Welfare Council (CWC) who believe that our model can provide Iraqi children the assistance they need. The Orphans and Street Kids Projects will collaborate with MOLSA and CWC so that the improvements that are made for the children will be seen as positive efforts of the new Iraqi Government. During this critical time of conflict the government must be seen as the vehicle in which the nation can move forward to a future of stability and prosperity.
Eyes around the world are drifting further and further from the War as hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, floods in Guatemala, and the Pakistan Earthquake begin to draw more and more humanitarian assistance. While our soldiers fight daily for the future of Iraq Americans must remained focused on the goal so the ultimate sacrifice made my nearly 2000 men and women in uniform (and thousands of critically wounded) does not go for waste. The Orphans and Street Kids Project will provide a better future for the children in this conflict.
For more information about the Orphans and Street Kids Project visit the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation (VVAF) homepage, http://vvaf.org/ or contact Jonathan Powers at jpowers@vi.org.